Our Sponsors
We have always been, and always will be eternally grateful to all our sponsors – many of whom have been funding NG championships for many, many years. Thank you.
And to our more recent and new sponsors and partners – again thank you, and welcome to the NG family.

IMS Limited
National 600 & King of Combe

DTR Racing Spares
250 GP Cup
Our Partners
Contact Race Admin to receive a discount on your order
Interested in becoming a sponsor
We have a huge variety of sponsorship and advertising opportunities to fit every budget. We have sponsors who wish to fund a Championship’s end of season awards plus publicise their businesses through adverts in the race programs, which can be either on an event by event basis or for a full season. We also have sponsors, who simply wish to be part of the NG family, are bike racing fans and just want to be involved. Others are current and ex racers who enjoy “putting something back into the club and wider sport”
The options are endless:
- Sponsor a “Trophy Event” – where all trophies awarded display your brand or company name, full page advert in that event program, plus your logo on the front cover and all race pages in the program. You can also hand some of the trophies out if you chose.
- Sponsor a championship - The class championship will be named after your brand or company name,
- Advertising in the program and/or on the club website.
- Signage at events etc.
- We also have partnerships with big brand names where discounts can be passed on directly to our riders. We are always very keen to provide any savings possible and as such, we are always looking to expand on our partnership base.
Don’t forget, sponsorship is not “fixed price”. We can tailor an opportunity to any budget.
If you would like to become involved through sponsorship, a partnership or advertising, please feel free to drop Steve a call or email for a completely no obligation chat on 07967 681639 or stevejbostock@gmail.com